My name Is Dafna Yosha. I am a 46 year-old living in Israel.
I have learned basic and advanced photography in two courses, starting about four years ago, and since then I found myself playing with the rules of photography and breaking each one of them according to my mood and atmosphere.
Photography takes every minute of my free time: whenever I am on the street or in front of my computer. Since I started photographing, I see the world in a different way and frame it in my mind according to the angle of the light and the movement of the subjects.
I feel that photography is something that has become much more than a just hobby for me; photography is my way of life today, who I am and what I’ve become because of it. It is my dream, my future, my strength, my biggest passion. It surrounds me and I can never leave its comforting embrace.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/yosha.dafna
email: dafna.yosha1@gmail.com



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