126 × 90 cm.
Oil on canvas. 2011
Reza Rahimi Lasko ©
All rights reserved.
Finalist at the International Competition, a collaboration of the Florence Biennale, Art Market Magazine, and Lens Magazine.

80 × 64 cm.
Oil on canvas. 2017
Reza Rahimi Lasko ©
All rights reserved.

82 × 110 cm.
Oil on canvas. 2014
Reza Rahimi Lasko ©
All rights reserved.

All rights reserved.
Reza Rahimi Lasko was born in 1979 in Iran. At the age of 12, he started his official art studies. The most important encouragement came from his mother, who sent him to begin his professional education by Mr. Majid Arvari in 1997.
Rahimi established his gallery in 2011, followed by participation in group exhibitions and art fairs, including an exhibition at the Reza Abbasi Museum in 2012 and Hiva Gallery in 2010.
In 2013 his work was presented in a solo exhibition at Golestan Gallery.
In 2011 – 2012, his work reached the finalists in an international competition held by ARC, presenting his two paintings, “Last Station” and “party,” published in an art book.
In 2014 – 2015 his paintings “The Sound of Taar” and “Painting” were awarded once more at the international ARC competition, followed by an exhibition at the MEAM museum in Barcelona, Spain, in 2015.

89 × 78 cm.
Oil on Canvas. 2018
Reza Rahimi Lasko © All rights reserved.

Oil on canvas. 2020
Reza Rahimi Lasko ©
All rights reserved.

135 × 100 cm. Oil on canvas. 2014
Reza Rahimi Lasko ©
All rights reserved.
Reza Rahimi Lasko is a Professor of Art at the Center for Visual Arts, University of Tehran. He holds a Bachelor of painting and has been awarded an advanced diploma in Fine Art from NCFE, University of England.
He has an official painting school license from the Ministry of Islamic Culture and is a member of the Institute For Promotion of Contemporary Visual Art in Iran.
Reza Rahimi’s paintings and drawings have been published in international art publications, including in the Spanish Artelibre in the two books during 2012 and 2014, TACC article on the artistic activities of Reza Rahimi Lasko in 2016.
wikiart.org/en/reza-rahimi-lasko | rezarahimi79@yahoo.com | Instagram: @Lasko_Art | Facebook: @Reza.Rahimi888