ADRIANA SOARES | Special Interview

ADRIANA SOARES- Special Interview in Art Market Magazine
Adriana Soares was born in Rio de Janeiro. In the late ‘eighties she moved to Italy, where, after working as a model for the greatest fashion designers, she decided to follow her true vocation artistic-creative, enrolling in 2004 at the Higher Institute of Photography in Rome. Right now she is creating countless photo shoots for various fashion brands and magazines.
Soares experiments constantly with new special graphic-photographic techniques, until the creation of photo-pictorial works printed on metal. She participated in numerous group exhibitions in Italy and foreign countries, from Moscow to Paris, from London to Hamburg. In 2014 she won the Paris Photo and Art Prize Helas in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Art Market Magazine: Hello Adriana, It’s a pleasure to have an interview with you. Please tell our readers about yourself, what is your background and how did you start with fashion photography
Adriana Soares: My work of today is the result of a long way. I started working as a model in fashion field. I worked for great stylists and I travelled a lot assimilating and elaborating those experiences; this refers to a stile and taste. I studied photography at the “Istituto Superiore DI Fotografia DI Roma” and I’m still experiencing photography: because what I do is always evolving.
Art Market Magazine: Tell us about the challenging part in Fashion photography in particular.
Adriana Soares: Fashion is my life, but not frivolous, although fashion animated by soul. I’m convinced that finally I do not make fashion, but something deeper.
Indeed, I’m not satisfied with current techniques….. I’m looking for something more, in fact I paint some of my photos, creating unique paintings.

ADRIANA SOARES- Special Interview in Art Market Magazine
Art Market Magazine: Can you describe your photographic style? How did you develop your style?
Adriana Soares: Like already responded, what I do is the result of my personality. I seek significances beyond composing and built image. I look for a way for making thinking who looks. Thus, using beauty and elegance that characterize my background as a model.
Art Market Magazine: What type of cameras do you shoot with?
Adriana Soares: I use and have always used Nikon cameras.
Art Market Magazine: What is your favorite’s photography accessory, other than your camera?
Adriana Soares: My work is not limited by simple techniques. However, my work instruments are a few: Camera, Lens, medium telephoto lens and Bank…. My eye and my soul.
Art Market Magazine: What is your best photography tip for a good fashion shoot?
Adriana Soares: Perfect photography is the one capturing attention and possibly make you thinking…
Art Market Magazine: If you had to choose one lens which one would it be and why?
Adriana Soares: I tried the different lens, but finally I need the one I usually use… I make portraits, thus I do not have great necessities. I prefer using Nikon 70-200mm.I like the natural effect. Once shooting full figure I sometimes use 24-70mm, for lengthening the figure.
Art Market Magazine: What is your most used Photoshop tool, plug-in, action set etc.?
Adriana Soares: I almost use Photoshop and Lightroom… the actions I execute are really simple. Above all, I work with different fusion levels.
Art Market Magazine: What was your career path? How did you get being an aspiring photographer to actually doing it full time, for a living?
Adriana Soares: I had worked as a photographer for ten years… I always did my work as a private…. but as I got a positive acknowledgment in the last period I decided to put myself in discussion. We see what will happen.

ADRIANA SOARES- Special Interview in Art Market Magazine
Art Market Magazine: What motivates you to continue taking pictures economically, politically, intellectually or emotionally?
Adriana Soares: Each one is the result of what he has seen and lived…. living implies learning and assimilating the experience, that comes up once creating. Thus, due to the elaboration of the works is the emission of his own unconscious, all experiences contribute to the final result. Shouldn’t I have had my own way, I probably would not have created some works realized till now… Shouldn’t I be as I am, I would not have reassessed my life in the way I’m able to create. What I realize today has real far origins and is the result of years of study and work. Training even whether important risks cutting off this unique and personal id, it could happen being influenced by the master… Therefore, removing the purity of the artist. It is necessary being provided of a great ego for not being overpowered or influenced. Education has to be considered like a starting point, an experience and not like something being emulated, otherwise the artist does not feel himself being sufficiently capable.

ADRIANA SOARES- Special Interview in Art Market Magazine
Art Market Magazine: What is your best post processing tip?
Adriana Soares: Photoshop without any doubt; I manage to unload my creativity.
Art Market Magazine: What gear do you use?
Adriana Soares: Camera body: Nikon D3X
Lens: Nikon 17-35mm f / 2.8 e 70 – 200 mm f / 2.8 VR Filters: Polarizzatore Flash : Bovens.
Art Market Magazine: Tell us about your Photographic Techniques
Adriana Soares: My work is strictly related to digital technology starting from photography and digital fusion that can be realized through digital software. Technology helps simplify a certain work, but will never be able substituting intuition, instinct and this impulse that leads to emotion as to click and freezing an instant and giving eternity to it. Even simple photography is related to technology…
Read the full article on Art Market Magazine #21