Alexandra Kapogianni-Beth | Turning dead material into something vivid

Alexandra Kapogianni-Beth is a Greek art historian and sculptor based in Germany. She started out painting and drawing and turned to sculpting about 20 years ago. Since 1998 she has attended many art classes in and out of Germany. In 2020 she completed sculpting studies at Institut für Ausbildung in Bildender Kunst und Kunsttherapie (IBKK) in Bochum, West Germany.
The artist uses a wide range of raw materials to create living and energetic works to convey her intentions.

“I am a figurative sculptor, focused on turning dead material as hard rock or soft matter as plaster and clay into something vivid. Greek history over the millennia offers a wide range of impulses. Heroism beyond human limits and multitudes of mythological actors find their way into my sculptures.
My art always expresses a certain tension, something that I regularly experience, being a Greek artist now living in Germany.
My own experience here and there and the unique histories of both countries produce requirements and necessities to make diverging properties work in harmony. With my art, I do not give any answers; I would like to create questions. I want to make the viewers think about what they are seeing and possibly even question themselves.
The delight I enjoy hopefully finds its way to the viewers and stimulates their imagination.”
– Alexandra Kapogianni-Beth

www.bildhauerwerke-ak.de | Facebook: Bildhauerwerke | Instagram: @ kapogiannibeth