Aline Pouget | A dreamy journey through space

“My work is born from the observation of nature, life, reactions, and human feelings. So it’s a mixture of observations, emotions, my feelings. According to the observations that the world’s reality offers me, from earth to heaven, I restore a universe where nature and the cosmos respond to each other. I balance the lived and the imaginary. With my works on the edge of the figurative and the abstract, I seek to confuse the viewer and take him on a dream journey, maybe as an escape from the surrounding reality. The degree of abstraction leads the viewer to delve deeper into the structure of elements.
By my gesture, I release, dissolve the composition to go from the obvious to glamour. In this diffuse where the loss of landmarks dominates, I always try to bring out something recognizable: a tree, a setting sun, a sailboat, a suspension bridge, buildings, a vision of space …
My favorite technique is oil on canvas or wood. I work with a radiant palette. The density of the pigments, which I use, allows me to induce depths that testify to the emotions that I want to convey in my creations. The attraction to color and light gives me such a sense of happiness that I want to share it with everyone.
I paint as I feel. I solicit all my perceptions to exalt my senses in search of harmony and a pictorial enchantment. Even in my city paintings, my vision remains naturalistic and lyrical. The décor preserves something wild and lush. The energies stage a cosmic breath. A feeling of floating movement emerges and tends towards a joyful apocalypse, especially for my Space series. This aesthetic chaos represents for me the sublime of a paradise found as a twilight vision.

My artworks’ contemplative and atmospheric value invites everyone to build their own representation towards a destiny that everyone can compose between consciousness and unconsciousness, truth and illusion, light and shadow. Through my works, I want to share my emotions and feelings by revealing the intimate meaning of my thoughts, life experiences,
and moods. I wish to embark the viewer on my journey where the stories dedicated to the sensitive unfold under the changes of heaven, where the atmosphere depicted reveals signs of eternity. As Kandinsky said, “The creation of a work is the creation of the world because the emotion and the meanings it conveys are the very reality of life.” |