BLAKE YOUNGMAN | Screaming my paint out loud
I’ve learned over time that creations are made based on feelings.
A creative mind is just an abstract concept of how we actually feel or how things make us think.
Not one of us beings has ever walked a mile in the mind of someone else. Why should we not show and tell? Every human is a finely crafted novel in some way. Some of us are excited by others’ trauma, but they can’t use their words. Some of us feel shame and sadness but were too proud to show it. Most people will never know the feelings one truly has. This is why I create.
Mixed media inspires me; there are simply no limits. No surface too rough, no pastel too thick.
I can stand for hours on end mashing up layers of dripping oils, chalky pastel, and charcoal clusters. The tools have no real direction, and just like that, you have created a picture of an organ—just another beautiful mind.
As an artist, I feel like we give a part of ourselves away when we create, maybe a conclusion to something in life when you paint that last stroke. I can scream with paint louder than my own voice, and when I’m sad, damn, it’s blue!
If those combinations can either take someone away from reality to let them feel something they never felt. I succeeded.
Or alternatively, bring someone back to reality. Open their eyes to different perspectives. It all matters. Art matters.
I was raised with an iron fist, and when I say ‘iron fist,’ I actually mean raised by wolves. I have the most supportive family in the world; they push me to follow the dreams, more than the visions in my head can handle—more than anything in this world. You will often find us in a pack, laughing at the simple things and embracing life’s beauty.
I ponder the wonders of the world almost every moment, from politics to broken hearts to the things that I know will never change. When I say I don’t stop thinking, I honestly mean it. Before the stereotypes, I’m a private schoolboy. I also went to a private university.
I’ve worked in the business for the last 10 years of my life in one of the most challenging economic environments, basically bashing my head against a desk that doesn’t seem to break.
I read daily, I study every day, and while I’m naturally a depressive, I don’t stop this train.
During the day, I jolt my ideas, either a petty sketch on a post-it note or a scribble of text in my journal. I come alive at night, and I make those ideas magic. Well, that’s a little bit about me. For the rest, use your imagination. Follow my creations and see if I can take you somewhere else, away from reality. Or, am I taking you to reality?
I guess that’s the question. Oh, and if you ever see me, say hey. I like people. A little too much.