Caty Cucalón is a Colombian painter resides in Cali.Her exhibitions began back in 1994. Furthermore, her works have been exhibited in galleries, museums, and art fairs in Colombia, the United States, and Europe. Among some of these are the Art Museum Caldas in Colombia, Latin American Art Museum Miami, Flo, Civic Museum Di Abano Terme in Italy, Art Basel in Miami, Florida, and Museo Nazionale di Villa Pisani Venice in Italy, Florence Biennale, Firenze, Italy, MEAM – Museu Europeu d’Art Modern at the International Biennial of Art Barcelona, Spain, among others.

Cucalón has been awarded various international prizes and recognitions, including the First Prize
for Figurative Art at the III Biennial Art in Valle del Cauca in 2013, Mention of honor
“I Grau Award to the Arts 2014”, Artist Brand Country Colombia 2016, selected as one of the 100 Characters in the Centennial of Valle del Cauca, International Prize Caravaggio ‘Great Master of Art 2018’ in Milan, Italy.
Her work has been published in many national and international newspapers and magazines and received exposure in Art books, including in the International Catalog of Artists of the Fiac de Paris, Book “18 engravers” and Cucalón’s work is part of the Silver Book of Artists of the Museum of the Americas and “The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists 2019” Palermo, Italy, among others.

Caty Cucalón’s passionate, expressive intensity manifests itself not only in the faint humanity of her characters but in the intimacy of the environments in which they are inscribed and interact. Her attitude towards the matter carries her canvases and tins to a delicious sensation, working from the emotional encounter with the painting. Stains, textures, sgraffito, blurs, and other free “accidents” and senses are inherent in the initial structure of each work. The narrative intention causes a convergence between the title and the image. The elements involved in the canvas acquire a universal value, establishing a relationship with the public from the materiality that invites us to decipher the keys of their rich and productive imagination.

Since 2016, Caty Cucalón has been awarded multiple times, with the ‘Colombia Artist Brand’ Prestigious Colombian award for Art & Culture.