137.16 x 243.84 cm
Darcy Gerbarg © All rights reserved.
“Gerbarg’s pictures challenge viewers to determine what is real and what is an illusion.” – David S. Rubin, Curator

54×110. 2020.
137.16 x 279.4 cm
Darcy Gerbarg © All rights reserved.
Gerbarg’s unique artworks are developed from cropped images taken from her 3DVR colored light sculptures, with a virtual camera, in a virtual world. The color’ brush’ strokes ‘painted’ with colored light in the virtual world (3DVR), and the entire process, exclusive of the artist’s physical abstract expressionist stroke-making gestures, is digital.

Darcy Gerbarg © All rights reserved.
“I straddle two worlds: the Art World and the Computer World. My work is a record of my digital technology use for making Art as the technology developed.
I am fascinated by visual complexity that incorporates real and virtual objects, captured as a painting in a 2D picture plane or experienced in a fully immersive 3DVR world.
While my images, may at first appear to have elements reminiscent of a traditional, abstracted still-life or landscape painting, further study reveals unexpected visual turns.
The paintings have a new pallet and fill the space in a new, complex way, resulting in an updated esthetic, markers of-our-time.”

137.16 x 137.16 cm
Darcy Gerbarg © All rights reserved.

137.16 x 243.84 cm
Darcy Gerbarg © All rights reserved.
Darcy Gerbarg is a Pioneer Digital Artist. She creates her work using both the latest digital technologies and traditional Fine Art techniques.
She is an Abstract Expressionist painter with traditional Art training who currently paints with Colored Light in a 3DVR world, creating AR and VR Artworks and Interactive, Immersive Environments. She exhibits her work in Art Museums, Fairs, and Galleries.
Her work is available on canvas, paper, and ceramics.
Gerbarg’s Art is in Art museums, corporate and private collections, and is offered through Galleries and Art Fairs. Her 3D animation “Raffles City” was distributed in 1984.
Gerbarg’s Immersive-Interactive work has been shown at the CADAF Miami Art Fair December 2019 and CADAF Online Art Fair 2020. Her Digital Paintings were featured at the Hampton’s Virtual Art Fair 2020. Darcy’s Painting and Sculpture Garden exhibited at BRCvr2020 and Gerbarg’s VR Art Gallery Exhibition 2020I can be experienced by appointment on AltspaceVR.

137.16 x 243.84 cm
Darcy Gerbarg © All rights reserved.
Gerbarg studied Art at the NY Studio School for Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, and Woodstock artists. She has a long history of printmaking with master printmakers Krishna Reddy, Ronni Henning, and Kathy Caraccio.
She taught the first Computer Art course at NYU, Launched and Directed the first SIGGRAPH Art Shows, Started and Directed the world’s first MFA in Computer Art Program at the School of Visual Arts, NYC, and was as an adjunct professor in Computer Art, at SUNY Stony Brook and NYU for many years.