Doménico CV Talarico, born in 1989 in Gießen, is an autodidact and bon vivant living in Berlin. His works of art have been presented in numerous exhibitions within Europe and are part of various private collections, for example, in Paris, Brussels, and Vienna.

80 x 100 cm. 2021. Doménico CV Talarico © All rights reserved.

Acrylic on canvas. 120 x 160 cm. 2021.
Doménico CV Talarico © All rights reserved.

Acrylic on canvas. 50 x 60 cm. 2021.
Doménico CV Talarico © All rights reserved.

80 x 100 cm. 2020. Doménico CV Talarico © All rights reserved.
” Aesthetics and pragmatism are in constant tension with each other. Something that exists for aesthetic reasons is often not given the same respect in society as something that exists for practical or conceptual reasons. It seems that no overlap exists or is even allowed between these fundamentally different ways of thinking. I want to close this gap and declare beauty a necessity with my art.
Our society is becoming increasingly fast-paced and optimizes itself in the direction of economy and functionality. It is easy to forget to take the time to do something good for the soul. I believe that one does one’s inner self a great favor when one deals with something beautiful. Stop, take a breath and look at something that represents such an approach in order to better master everyday life afterward.” – Doménico CV Talarico

Doménico CV Talarico © All rights reserved.

Doménico CV Talarico © All rights reserved.
“My sense of beauty draws from past, almost forgotten Art Deco aesthetics. Clearly defined, reduced forms manage to flatter the eyes despite their cool austerity and at the same time trigger desire and longing. Combining Art Deco elegance with modern portraiture, I build a bridge between the past and the present.”

Acrylic on canvas. 80 x 80 cm. 2021.
Doménico CV Talarico © All rights reserved.
“I create a pictorial cosmos full of opulent characters who move outside the norm to achieve this. With all their charm and honesty, they thus provide a view from the other side of the usual spectrum. My works serve as a mirror to one’s own world of thoughts, opening up a possibility to become sensitive to beauty and to have the courage to take one’s own destiny into one’s own hands.”
- Doménico CV Talarico