The search,
The passion,
The passion that leads the search What am I looking for?
What is everyone looking for? Quietness, calmness, harmony, peace? Getting close to myself. Getting close to myself and bringing together all of the separate parts of myself. The journey, the process Acceptance. Being complete.
Taking responsibility for everything existing in my space, everything appearing in my life is from within me. It is the result of all the actions I have taken in the past, and those I am taking at the present time, at this given moment. Cause and effect. This is my karma. When I come with joy I plant seeds of joy and happiness which will be reflected in my reality. When I come with generosity, the generosity will surround me. When I come with love, I will see love present around me. Each person strives for harmony in their life.
Inner peace, liberation, acceptance. The desire to find peace of mind and to discover the ways to achieve it!

This common denominator inspires me to create something out of the commonality that exists in all of us. The special part of that cannot be explained, but is present in each and every one of us. The bone, the source, the soul, the being. The pure sense of presence, that once we let go of holding our thoughts, perceptions, everything we think we know and are simply present, we become “living God” and it is in that place where magic happens and everything is possible out of the infinite number of possibilities. I create out of the passion for the search. The search for harmony and peace, which lead to unity. The joy guides me to a special and festive combination of Acrylic colors that will wake up the DNA of experience, that can be found in each one of us. I wish to awaken us to celebrate life right now, out of love, compassion, generosity, kindness and unity. A celebration; we were invited to celebrate at this moment on earth. We were given a body and time, and air to breathe. We were given the magnificent nature and in it, trees and flowers and all living things and people, to take the journey with… To grow with. This generosity is not to be taken for granted. There are times when we forget that we were given this gift with love and we start to make demands, to accuse, to judge, to be angry, to destroy out of unnecessary ego, as if trying to control this generous gift. Nothing belongs to us. Everything is loaned for a limited time.
I am just a visitor of a brief moment in this grand living room of the creation. I remind myself at every moment that I must respect the creation for its hospitality and act accordingly! I cherish every detail that appears in front of me, as a reminder, that it is not mine. I remind myself to respect and honor the lives of others who have a part in my life as partners in the great journey called life. As the data appearing on the screen of my reality, enabling my growth, I wish to take responsibility for the reality I created! I try to be generous towards myself and towards everything used to materialize any of the infinite potential that exist within me, just as the creation is generous to me. I act with grace, compassion and true love and at every time I receive a gift. I say “thank you”! Have I said “thank you” today for the life I received and the wonderful hospitality? I am grateful for the signs and symbols of unity that arose within me and appearing in the works. I am pulling them out of the memory of the soul within me that strives to be present in this world and to connect to the familiar place from which it came. A place of purified love, where all the pieces come together to one great light. The light of absolute love that exists in all of us.
Doron’s creation is a journey of discovering the joy, love, unity and peace that reside within us. His wish is that his work will inspire as many people as possible to connect to the greatness that exists within us just because we were created, and unite as many hearts with joy, love and peace…