Hillel Zhenwirth
I was born in Tel Aviv Israel on the 18th or 19th of April 1972 (depending on who you ask, my mother or the government).
I’ve always loved fine arts especially painting and drawing, as a child I was always painting.
After the army in 1994 I traveled to China where I studied martial arts for two years. During my stay there also learned Chinese painting and calligraphy which influenced my art to some degree.
In 1996 I returned to Israel knowing I wanted to become a painter.
I then found my teacher, Mr. Leo Contini, an amazing artist by any standard. I studied Italian Classic technices and also became his assistant in his studio in the Jaffo district of Tel Aviv for two years. In retrospective his teachings would become the most influencial and significant from all my studies.
In 1998 I received a scholarship from the Emily Carr Institute for Art and Design in Vancouver Canada where I moved to study Fine Arts for 3 years.
I returned to Israel in 2001 and studied for another year at the Midrasha School of Art until 2002.
Since then I work and teach in Tel Aviv Israel.