In the past the Earth was full of life and bio diversity. Human creatures were a natural part of the biosphere. Until one day they decided that everything on Earth was made for their service and pleasure. Humans wanted to control everything and to exploit all the resources for their personal needs and technological development. The Earth was very patient and forgiving, but the day of reckoning has come. Decisions of our ancestors, growing consumption and egoistic ambitions have brought Humanity to the destruction of the biosphere.
The threat of extinction on Earth has made our population develop ways to coexist with nature. I believe that one day, in order to implement a global plan to preserve the biological balance and diversification, Humanity, nature and technology will all coexist in a harmonious symbiosis. Such a view of the world structure refers to the concept of the noosphere of the Soviet scientist Vladimir Vernadsky. He believed that within the process of evolution, after the biosphere and the technological revolution inevitably follows the spiritual revolution known as the noosphere – the unique unity of humanity, production and nature where everything is transformed to be controlled by the human mind. I propose to recall the concept of the noosphere and use it as a positive view of the future, as an alternative to self-destruction, which is being pursued by humanity. Potential future outcomes depend on each one of us and art could be an amazing international medium to promote the values of the noosphere. This is the reason why my projects are devoted to positive symbiosis between nature and human activity. I believe that they promote the noosphere concept.
I believe that Art is an international language that should not be used to feed my personal ego but instead for self-improvement, reflection and to highlight the beauty of life. In the future I would like to create such projects that will one day become more than art, involving people from different countries to solve actual social tasks. During work I imagine that humanity has rejected the egoistic consumptive behavior and used natural mechanisms to preserve a balance between future development of technology and the biosphere. In the future, I would like to evolve the theme of the noosphere not only in art but also in the social sphere. I already have ideas on how to implement this in order to not only speak with the audience but to also make projects with like-minded people that will bring us closer to the implementation of the noosphere concept. On the other hand it could very well be a new concept based on the theory of Vernadsky.
In my projects I try to awake interest toward ancient Russian history and mythology as well as to remind of the importance to preserve national culture in the global world. One of the main ideas within my art is to show the valuable connection between the past and the present. History as a part of the genetic memory is an important foundation. That is why I use elements of the Russian cultural code in such a way as to combine with current universal communication symbols in an attempt to create such space where simultaneously there is room for national and global, ancient and modern, mystical and rational.

IRINA LAGOSHINA Portrait. Article on Art Market Magazine
My name is Irina. I was born in Mozdok, Russia. In Caucasus amazing nature and the feeling of freedom there were my first inspiration. I finished art school of Mozdok and Moscow textile academy as a designer-stylist. In several years I was able to build a small but successful business in Moscow, Russia. However, I always had a feeling that this occupation is not my true destination. In my late 30’s I started to study sculpture. I found out that it was my true love, my passion and my destiny. I quit my business and concentrated on art. After several years of practice I decided to develop myself as an artist and entered British Higher School of Art & Design in Moscow (Contemporary art course). That period of my life became a real breakthrough – I got a clear vision of what I wanted to do in my life. I started exhibiting abroad and met a lot of inspiring people from different countries. Ever since my projects have revolved around history, mythology and nature. Learning history makes us wiser, mythology brings us back to our roots and nature is our breastfeeding Mother whom we should take care of. I want to develop such projects that one day will become more than art involving people from different countries to solve actual social problems.

Sea Inhabitant #1. Plastic, enamel. 18x50x20 cm
© IRINA LAGOSHINA. All rights reserved.