Joey Schmidt-Muller | “The Traumatic Objectivity”

Oil Pastel. 100 x 100 cm. 2021 Joey Schmidt-Muller © All rights reserved.
The works of Joey Schmidt-Muller are about immediacy, truth, life, and death. His pictures juggle between the intensity of their expression and their aesthetic component. They testify to sensitivity and, at the same time to a conscious transgression of the boundaries of intimacy through drastic and provocative representations.
In his timeless works, Joey Schmidt-Muller presents his worldview.
He does not want to imitate, copy or trivialize it. He only simplifies his thought fragments to the point where they can be combined into a composition of ambiguous statements and messages.

Joey Schmidt-Muller is a Swiss-Australian artist who has been living in Germany and Australia and currently resides in Basel, Switzerland.
Schmidt-Muller’s artistic practice focuses on an unusual technique with oil pastel and a unique spray varnish technique. His subjects mainly are human behavior, fear, inner conflicts, and the change in living conditions in the world. With style between new realism and surrealism, he explores the liveliness of the mind in fine, graduated blue tones and realistic forms.
Joey Schmidt-Muller`s interest in the arts started in primary school, sparking his desire to create later in life. He graduated from the Basel School of Applied Arts. In his twenties, he was able to show his works for the first time at the ART BASEL.

100 x 100 cm. 2020. Joey Schmidt-Muller © All rights reserved.
The early success threw him off track, and it took him many years to come back to where he started. However, since 2012 he has been working like a madman to realize his paintings full of experiences and dreams. Although Joey Schmidt-Muller explores other painting techniques such as charcoal and oil paint on canvas, oil pastel has become his favorite material. He enjoys the constant challenge of developing this demanding and complex medium. | | Instagram: @ atelierjoeyschmidtmuller