120 x 100 x 3,5 cm. 2019
Judit Nagy L – LNJ, tends to create a magic of art with real wine and earth from the vineyards, and she is a pilgrim to Compostela, Spain. The artist tells us that she is not only a painter but a creative person who is guided by inspiration and deeply aware that “painting, like all creative activities, is a tool that leads to self-expression and self-development,” while “we do not ‘create,’ but rather we are a collaborator in the process of creation that we embody.”

When she turned 50, a desire grew in her: she wanted her art to have even more to do with the elemental: with people, the earth, relationships, and the diversity of horizontal and reciprocal connections – with the “something” that is difficult or impossible to put into words. As she prepares to travel to Sicily (in May 2022) and begin her art project “Etna and Her Wines” “in vivo” on the island, it becomes increasingly clear to her that the quest, her search for the essence of the experience of the whole, is to achieve creativity in the nutshell of necessity: to create with lines, surfaces and with colors that beguile (even when used minimally), “highly musical” and always (seemingly) without effort.

120 x 120 x 4 cm. 2020

120 x 100 x 3 cm. 2019

Judit is a mixed media painter who paints with natural wine and soil samples from vineyards, using her unique IVVArt method © to create portraits (called WINEporTRAIT-s) of selected wines. When working on the portraits of spirits (schnapps, brandy, gin,…), she uses spices directly from distilleries to create a visual story of high-quality drinks that belong to a piece of art called “Art of the Spirit – Spirit of Art – Art is Spirit.” In addition, Judit likes to work with found objects and transform them into high-quality, recyclable artworks, which she calls ReMixArt.