“In the past few years, we have witnessed climate change, a global pandemic, mass migration waves, the collapse of financial systems, threats to democracy, technologies that are rapidly taking over our lives, and even the blurring of the boundaries between truth and falsehood. All these developments lead to a very uncertain future.”
-Oded Levran

Print on aluminum (Chromaluxe) 46x65cm / 63x90cm / 84x120cm
Oded Levran © All rights reserved.
Drawing inspiration from the natural world, this photo series creates an analogy for the cycles and collapses of major empires throughout human history. Each photograph features a crumbling autumn leaf with hints from historical maps, symbolizing the ending chord of a great empire.
Over the course of the last four thousand years, empires have kept rising and falling. Great superpowers that determined the world’s order and ruled over almost every piece of land on the globe have lost their supremacy and repeatedly collapsed as an inevitable cycle. The decadent process that accompanied each and every collapsing empire had its warning signs- tyranny, corruption, internal conflicts, and overuse of natural resources are some of the reasons that led them to fall and end their historical role.

Print on aluminum (Chromaluxe) 46x65cm / 63x90cm / 84x120cm
Right: The British Empire. 2020.
Print on aluminum (Chromaluxe) 46x65cm / 63x90cm / 84x120cm
Oded Levran © All rights reserved.
In today’s digital world, confrontations between the world’s superpowers of our times never cease. In the past few years, we have witnessed climate change, a global pandemic, mass migration waves, the collapse of financial systems, threats to democracy, technologies that are rapidly taking over our lives, and even the blurring of the boundaries between truth and falsehood. All these developments lead to a very uncertain future. If the superpowers of today are here to stay, they need to keep up with the changes and find the solutions to adjust to this present moment. Otherwise, we might face another period in human history marked by the fall of empires, as they would quietly join the empires of the past, drying out and crumbling between the pages of an old book.

Print on aluminum (Chromaluxe) 46x65cm / 63x90cm / 84x120cm
Right: Top Right: The Macedonian Empire. 2020.
Print on aluminum (Chromaluxe) 46x65cm / 63x90cm / 84x120cm
Oded Levran © All rights reserved.
The Fall of Empires photo series is printed on shiny aluminum plates using an advanced printing technique called Chromaluxe- high-definition aluminum printing. Limited edition pieces are available in three sizes.

Oded Levran (b 1984), an Israeli designer and photographer based in Berlin. As a B. Design honorary graduate from the Holon Institute of Technology in Israel, where he earned his degree in 2012, Levran has cultivated an artistic practice that combines photography and design. His work is driven by a fascination with metaphors, irony, and language, and he aims to engage viewers in thought-provoking narratives.
“Great superpowers that determined the world’s order and ruled over almost every piece of land on the globe have lost their supremacy and repeatedly collapsed as an inevitable cycle.”
– Oded Levran

Print on aluminum (Chromaluxe)
46x65cm / 63x90cm / 84x120cm
Oded Levran © All rights reserved.
Levran finds inspiration in the ordinary moments of his daily life, capturing them through his lens and documenting their essence in photographs. These images serve as a visual diary, allowing him to explore the intricacies of the world around him and share his perspective with others. Levran is particularly drawn to experimentation with materials when working on still-life photography. By utilizing various mediums, he aims to transcend the boundaries of traditional photography and create visually compelling compositions. He deliberately uses analogs and metaphors to convey ideas and concepts that serve as catalysts for discussion and contemplation. One of Levran’s primary objectives is to create aesthetic artworks that captivate the viewer visually and provoke more profound reflection. He believes that art has the power to evoke emotions and spark meaningful conversations. Therefore, he endeavors to craft pieces that possess both beauty and substance, offering viewers a fruitful experience that stimulates their thoughts and perspectives.

Print on aluminum (Chromaluxe)
46x65cm / 63x90cm / 84x120cm
Oded Levran © All rights reserved.