Ora Nissim, An Autodidact Avant-garde artist. Her paintings are characterized by strong colors, turmoil, mobility, dream, fantasy and reflection of one’s daily life and Jewish experience, past and present.
The religious duality of her life, from her childhood in Mea Shearim beyond the contemporary art world, reached its limit in each of her pieces.
On the one hand – delicacy of the brush, on the other hand – Rampage colors on the canvas, the celebration of the senses are endless.
Creative fire burning in her bones, and she moves between classic style and freestyle. Palette of rich, deep colors, It adopts unique fingerprint that can identify by every place in the world.
Ora uses a skill, her brush strokes are safe. Through which it builds character and situations figments of her imagination, and she makes them harmonious composition soothing the eyes of the beholder and it creates curiosity and interest.
The creative process flows naturally to her, and is saturated with feelings and sensuality.
Religious human character serves as the creation of light, placing itself in a deep internal mood, and expresses its own language and own unique innermost feelings.

The works of light detected dance with whom she sweeps the viewers and fans. In her oil painting, texture creates a dynamic, which flow with air of holiness and thus achieves volume, depth and sense of standing in view of creating three-dimensional.
“In my art, I create new worlds, worlds that I want to live in, For example, with my paintings of the colorful hassidim, the white background symbolizes Hashem [God]; and all the colors of the hassidim represent not the Judaism that I grew up with, the black and white, but the colorful, progressive Judaism that you see today, the multicolored experience that is open to all Jews.
I don’t like the labels. I practice Judaism today in a much more real way. I don’t look at things as haredi or secular. I found my own path, and you can see it in my artwork. I don’t focus on the fearful aspect of Judaism, which is what I knew growing up. I practice out of joy and love, which is what you see in my paintings.”
To Nissim, Judaism is multifaceted. Her paintings of Jerusalem are full of color, whimsy, vibrancy and heart. She references a teaching that the Jerusalem of gold represents Mashiah, the future redemption. All of the colors coming together on the canvas are to her all the different types of Jews and residents of Jerusalem, including Muslims and Christians, who are all moving forward toward this future.

The colors match and work together well, but the challenge for her as a painter is to never enter the realm of kitsch. “My life has been so colorful, like my art. I had to have courage to go my own way and be an innovator. My art is really symbolic of that journey.
I paint Judaica art, but not in the standard way that reflects Judaism of the past. I wanted to paint Judaism today and in the future. I don’t think about what I’m going to paint beforehand; there is no plan. I feel.”
Nissim is quite successful, selling paintings to big buyers all over the world. She attributes her success to the courage that was required to express herself and describe her experiences through art. She currently has paintings in New York,
Canada and in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Jerusalem.
Ora Nissim, An Autodidact Avant-garde artist. Her paintings are characterized by strong colors, turmoil, mobility, dream, fantasy and reflection of one’s daily life and Jewish experience, past and present.
The religious duality of her life, from her childhood in Mea Shearim beyond the contemporary art world, reached its limit in each of her pieces.
On the one hand – delicacy of the brush, on the other hand – Rampage colors on the canvas, the celebration of the senses are endless.
Creative fire burning in her bones, and she moves between classic style and freestyle. Palette of rich, deep colors, It adopts unique fingerprint that can identify by every place in the world.
Ora uses a skill, her brush strokes are safe. Through which it builds character and situations figments of her imagination, and she makes them harmonious composition soothing the eyes of the beholder and it creates curiosity and interest.
The creative process flows naturally to her, and is saturated with feelings and sensuality.
Religious human character serves as the creation of light, placing itself in a deep internal mood, and expresses its own language and own unique innermost feelings.
The works of light detected dance with whom she sweeps the viewers and fans. In her oil painting, texture creates a dynamic, which flow with air of holiness and thus achieves volume, depth and sense of standing in view of creating three-dimensional.
“In my art, I create new worlds, worlds that I want to live in, For example, with my paintings of the colorful hassidim, the white background symbolizes Hashem [God]; and all the colors of the hassidim represent not the Judaism that I grew up with, the black and white, but the colorful, progressive Judaism that you see today, the multicolored experience that is open to all Jews.
I don’t like the labels. I practice Judaism today in a much more real way. I don’t look at things as haredi or secular. I found my own path, and you can see it in my artwork. I don’t focus on the fearful aspect of Judaism, which is what I knew growing up. I practice out of joy and love, which is what you see in my paintings.”
To Nissim, Judaism is multifaceted. Her paintings of Jerusalem are full of color, whimsy, vibrancy and heart. She references a teaching that the Jerusalem of gold represents Mashiah, the future redemption. All of the colors coming together on the canvas are to her all the different types of Jews and residents of Jerusalem, including Muslims and Christians, who are all moving forward toward this future.
The colors match and work together well, but the challenge for her as a painter is to never enter the realm of kitsch. “My life has been so colorful, like my art. I had to have courage to go my own way and be an innovator. My art is really symbolic of that journey.
I paint Judaica art, but not in the standard way that reflects Judaism of the past. I wanted to paint Judaism today and in the future. I don’t think about what I’m going to paint beforehand; there is no plan. I feel.”
Nissim is quite successful, selling paintings to big buyers all over the world. She attributes her success to the courage that was required to express herself and describe her experiences through art. She currently has paintings in New York,
Canada and in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Jerusalem.
Website: http://oranissim.com/
email: ora.nisim1@gmail.com