Peggy Lee was born in Seoul, South Korea and has lived in the United States for a long period of time. Having been educated with a bachelor’s degree of fine arts from Korea, she studied art in the United States as well. Since the beginning of her stay in America, she has been educating art to students for over 15 years while managing an art career for herself. She has a strong work ethic and keeps busy as a full-time artist. Her level of creativity is outstanding and her stamina to continuously produce works is endless. She has received numerous awards from art exhibitions or competitions, and at the same time she manages to educates her students. Peggy’s work has influenced both Korean and American culture. Her work continues to be inspired by mutuality in people, technology and networking, and also by making connections through people daily.

“Human connection is about being of a selfless nature. Outside forces, such as technological advances, media or some of the demands of society, affect or compromise what we truly intend on feeling when we attempt to perform communication. To me, communication should be raw and straight from the heart with the right intent. Many times we are disillusioned by the constant imagery that is pounded into us day by day or may not have the courage to say what we truly mean. This in turn, affects what we do, how we behave, and how we speak to one another. That is why my paintings reflect the need for more unity, togetherness, and equilibrium. The numerous amount of species in the universe are mysteriously interconnected some way and somehow. In order to live harmoniously and with understanding, we must grow awareness and educate others about the dangers of being too involved with distraction or negativity so we can become more close-knit as a community, as a society, and eventually as the formations of the world.”