Sayed Habib Bidel
The Children Of Herat’s Villages | AFGHANISTAN

Sayed Habib Bidel, born in 1991 in Iran to an artistic immigrants family who moved to Afghanistan in early 1990.
Interested in the arts, Bidel began his studies of traditional music from a very young age. He spent years studying from the great professors. At the age of fifteen, he became acquainted with the world of Photography and started his journey by studying Photography mainly from books and online courses on professional websites.

He became a member of the National Geographic and the YourShot websites. By submitting his work to international competitions and with editors’ support and a bit of advice, His work has reached a higher, professional level. Recently, some of his photography projects have been selected by the National Geographic editor.
In addition, several of his projects have been featured at the International Lens Magazine for Fine Art Photography.
Sayed Habib Bidel studied Computer Science, Business Management and graduated with a Ph.D. in Physiologic of Music.

The Children Of Herat’s Villages | AFGHANISTAN

“In the villages of Herat, Afghanistan, some schools do not have facilities for students. While the government only develops schools in the cities, children in rural areas are deprived and do not receive a budget and tuition support. However, the children are incredibly anxious to study and to improve their life. To have a decent future.
I have been visiting these children on many occasions, although the visit is with high-security risks. The government doesn’t welcome photojournalists in these facilities.
The children study in a very cramped room, some under the sun, regardless of health issues. They don’t have classrooms, and many of these children don’t even have a notebook to write in. One of the most painful issues is the lack of health care and sanitation in these schools. As a photographer, I want the rights of these children not to be violated. By exposing their story, I’m full of hope that their condition will be somehow improved. Hopefully, it will touch the hearts of the readers.
Here I’m exhibiting a collection of photographs of the children that live under a tent. All human rights were taken from them. I risk myself going to unsafe zones controlled by the government. Some children are really suffering. I see the eyes of these children, supposed to be full of joy at this young age, but I see nothing but fear, despair, and sadness.

Most of the children are orphans who have lost their families, mostly in bombing during the war.
They are forced to work for a living but still making an effort to walk a long distance to receive some education. However, when schools do not support their study correctly and do not supply the basic needs, the chances for creating a better future are significantly reduced. It’s a heartbreaking situation. “

All images courtesy of Sayed Habib Bidel © All rights reserved. | Facebook: @ SayedHabib.Bidel22 | Instagram: @sayedhabib.bidel