“I find my true self while sketching; I face my authentic self while painting.”

My name is Jaisankari Balasubramaniyan. I am an architect from Musiri, Trichy, India. I have a keen interest in arts and crafts and always have had a strong passion for drawing sketches.
Since I was a youngster, sketching, dancing, and reading Tamil literature have taken up my time. My life will only be complete with these. As a Tamil girl, I have a special place for Chola’s art and architecture in my heart. In my artistic journey, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in architecture in 2011, Which gave me a broad spectrum of the historic architecture and culture of the world and a new perspective towards art.
I enjoyed the Theory of Architecture very much. I am fascinated by the field of architecture. I personally love Greek art, architecture, and statues for their proportions. The concept of Caryatids made me realize the value of art in architecture.

A collection of Women’s Temperaments such as funny, raunchy, introvert, mad, bold, drama queen, relaxed, attractive, tough, tomboy, effortlessly beautiful, expressive, intelligent, profane, professional, talky, gym rat, social butterfly, friendly and what not.
Digital Painting, 60 cm X 58.28 cm, 2022
A stylized illustration of a professional girl and her workspace. Jaisankari Balasubramaniyan © All rights reserved.
“Even while architecture drew my curiosity, I preferred art when it was time for me to create something. At this point, I understood something about myself. Yes! Sketching is not my hobby; it is my character. It is me. I find my true self while sketching; I face my authentic self while painting. Colors make me happy. Art keeps me active. Here I declare that I am in love with art. I am addicted to this lifestyle.“

Series: THE FEMININITY. Digital, 50 cm X 54.48 cm, 2023
To convey the message “wear your helmet.” Here my subject is precautious.
Jaisankari Balasubramaniyan © All rights reserved.
About My Artistic Style
I usually draw with pencils and watercolors. One day I drew a guitar and started adding
a few lines and curves. It came out well. Then I drew an alien and added some strokes; oh no! I loved the result. I felt something good about it. I loved the flow; I loved the process. I just wanted to know that I am really good at stylization. So I tried some more drawings; you know what? They also came out well!
Eureka! I finally found that stylization suits me well, and I named my works “STYLIZED ARTS.” Even after that, I took approximately four months to experiment and enhance my Stylized artwork. Then I started using art stylization as a technique to express my thoughts and ideas.

Digital, 40 cm X 65.11 cm, 2022
A stylized art of a girl doing yoga called Reverse prayer mudra.
Jaisankari Balasubramaniyan © All rights reserved.

Digital, 50 cm X 67.67 cm, 2023
If you want to pet a bird, don’t buy a cage; plant trees. If you want to be happy, don’t chase it; love yourself. Jaisankari Balasubramaniyan © All rights reserved.
“During my architectural internship (2014), I was gifted with a message from one of my mentors AR.V.Haribaskar, Who mentioned, “Hey! Look, Sankari! Every single line you draw has a meaning and value. So be careful and responsible for what you draw”.
My expression through Stylized Art
I pay attention to lines, curves, shapes, and colors in the stylization process. I celebrate every single line. For me, even a dot is valuable. I want my works to express joy with vivid colors. I often add humor or a message to spice up my creations, preferring my subject to be expressive, dominating, bold, and vivid. I adore depicting lifestyle in my paintings.

Digital, 80.43 cm x 56.66 cm, 2022
Jaisankari Balasubramaniyan © All rights reserved.
The Process of Stylization: The Workflow
I always conceptualize my works on butter sheets with a 2B and 6B pencil. Once the outline is ready, I start to play with lines, curves, and shapes. During this phase,
I became very relaxed. I go with the flow. When I am satisfied with the result, I scan it into the computer. For the next step, I use computer-aided drafting as a tool to create a 2D drawing, then add some more details in Photoshop if needed. My works are made 60% hand drawn and 40% digitally done. Most of my work took around two to five days; others took even a month of my attention.
“Colors make me happy. Art keeps me active. Here I declare that I am in love with art. I am addicted to this lifestyle.”

Digital, 41.5 cm X 70 cm, 2022
A stylized art illustration of a healthy-muscled Japanese traditional sumo fighter in a pose called SHIKO. Expression of power and strength.
Jaisankari Balasubramaniyan © All rights reserved.

Digital, 31.97 cm X 78 cm, 2022
Jaisankari Balasubramaniyan © All rights reserved.
My teacher’s advice:
During my architectural internship (2014), I was gifted with a message from one of my mentors AR.V.Haribaskar, Who mentioned, “Hey! Look, Sankari! Every single line you draw has a meaning and value. So be careful and responsible for what you draw”.
What’s next?
I have planned to create concepts about self-love, flourishment, giving time to ourselves, and self-acceptance in the near future. Time only knows what I am going to draw next.
I am still a newbie in this field. However, I am consistently learning and working hard day & night to become the best artist I can be. While doing so, I forget time, space, and even my existence. I am thankful to my father for supporting me even during hard times. Thanks to my pet dog RIO for being my stress reliever and to Art market magazine for this opportunity.
See the full article in Art Market Magazine Issue #78