YOEL GILINSKY. ‘’Great & delicious joy, ever since’’. Acrylic on wood. 90 x 60 cm. Signed. © Art Market Magazine
“I have always loved the graphic and graphic design of the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, which is very descriptive, colorful and happy. When I was a kid in Jerusalem, Israel, there was no computer, Internet or even black and white television available. What was, was only a little and very modest.
My mother, and grandmother, May they rest in peace, were excellent cooks, and a dominant section of the house was the kitchen. As a child, I dreamed of worlds that were made up of several toys, cubes and lots of lunch boxes, that were abundant. Manufacturers such as “ZD”, “Lieber”, “Rebel”, “Asis” were enchanted by my surroundings, along with cinema posters that were hand-painted, signs and wonderful calligraphy. There is something in the artistic stance of the practical artwork of those times that makes up a creative space in combination with child toys and “Israeliana” objects that are captivating and full of compassion and joy. Examples of those are the Whistling Kettle, the Sipulox, the Primus …”

YOEL GILINSKY. ‘’My childhood Jerusalem’s winter’’. Acrylic on wood. 60 x 90 cm. Signed. © Art Market Magazine
Or the songs of the Gibtetron, the Dudaim, Shoshana Damari and many others. This was the golden age of our young country, which grew out of a shared dream and the holocaust. These memories forever stand out and illuminate my path – through the paintings, I travel back in the tunnel of time.

YOEL GILINSKY. ‘’Time fades & memories intensify’’. Acrylic on wood. 90 x 90 cm. Signed. © Art Market Magazine
email: yoelgilinsky1@gmail.com
Instagram: @israeli_nostalgia_paintings